How do I get an asbestos license in Qld?

In Queensland, Australia, individuals and businesses that perform asbestos-related work, including asbestos removal, are required to hold a license issued by the Queensland Government. To obtain an asbestos license in Queensland, you need to follow a specific process and meet certain requirements. Here’s a general overview of the steps involved:

  1. Determine the Type of License You Need:
    • Class A Asbestos Removal License: This license allows you to remove all types of asbestos-containing material (ACM), including friable and non-friable asbestos. Friable asbestos is considered more hazardous and requires additional training and controls.
    • Class B Asbestos Removal License: This license allows you to remove only non-friable asbestos-containing material.
  2. Training and Competency:
    • Ensure that you and your workers have the necessary training and competency to perform asbestos-related work. This typically includes completing a nationally recognized asbestos removal training course from a registered training organization (RTO). The training should cover safe asbestos removal practices, health and safety regulations, and proper disposal procedures.
  3. Insurance and Financial Requirements:
    • You may be required to provide proof of adequate insurance coverage, such as public liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance.
  4. Asbestos Removal Plan:
    • Develop an asbestos removal control plan that outlines how you will safely remove and dispose of asbestos-containing materials. This plan should comply with Queensland’s health and safety regulations.
  5. Application Process:
    • Visit the Queensland Government’s Work Health and Safety website and download the application form for the specific asbestos removal license you need (Class A or Class B).
    • Complete the application form, providing all necessary details and documentation, including proof of training, insurance, and your asbestos removal control plan.
    • Pay the required application fee. The fee can vary depending on the type of license and other factors.
  6. Assessment and Approval:
    • Your application will be reviewed by the Queensland Government’s Work Health and Safety office. They may conduct an assessment of your qualifications and documentation.
    • If your application is approved, you will be issued with an asbestos removal license.
  7. Compliance and Record-Keeping:
    • Once you have obtained your license, you must comply with all relevant regulations and safety standards. This includes maintaining accurate records of asbestos removal work.
  8. Renewal:
    • Asbestos licenses typically have a limited validity period (e.g., one to three years). You will need to renew your license before it expires by following a similar process.
  9. Inspections and Audits:
    • Be prepared for random inspections and audits by government authorities to ensure compliance with safety and environmental regulations.
See also  What is the asbestos awareness course in Tasmania?

It’s important to note that asbestos removal is a highly regulated and hazardous activity, and failure to comply with the regulations can result in severe penalties. Therefore, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand and adhere to Queensland’s specific requirements for obtaining and maintaining an asbestos license.