How do I find out if an architect is registered?

In Singapore, you can verify if an architect is registered with the Board of Architects (BOA) by checking the BOA’s online register of architects. Here are the steps to check if an architect is registered with the BOA:

  1. Visit the BOA’s website at
  2. Click on “For the Public” in the menu bar and select “Online Register of Architects.”
  3. Enter the architect’s name or registration number in the search field and click “Search.”
  4. The search results will display the architect’s name, registration number, registration date, and other relevant details, including their contact information.

You can also contact the BOA directly to verify an architect’s registration status. You can email the BOA at or call them at +65 6222 5295 during their office hours.

Verifying an architect’s registration is important, as it ensures that the architect has met the professional and educational requirements set by the BOA and is qualified to practice architecture in Singapore.

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