Do you need a degree to join the AFP?

A specific degree is not always a mandatory requirement for joining the Australian Federal Police (AFP). However, the educational requirements for joining the AFP could vary depending on the specific role or position you are applying for.

Here are some key points to consider:

Educational Requirements: While a degree may not be required for all positions within the AFP, having a relevant degree or higher education can be advantageous, especially for more specialized roles. The AFP typically requires a minimum level of education, such as completing Year 10 or equivalent qualifications. Some roles may require higher education or specific qualifications.

Tertiary qualifications may add to your competitiveness and, wherever possible, the AFP seeks to recruit graduates from a wide range of disciplines, not limited to law, justice, or criminology studies.

Entry Pathways: The AFP offers various entry pathways, including both general duties police roles, and specialized positions. Entry pathways and requirements can differ, so it’s important to review the specific job descriptions and eligibility criteria for the role you are interested in.

Competitive Selection Process: The AFP recruitment process can be highly competitive, and meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements may not guarantee a position. Candidates are typically assessed on a range of factors, including their qualifications, skills, experience, and performance during the recruitment process.

Alternative Qualifications and Experience: In lieu of a degree, candidates may have the opportunity to demonstrate relevant qualifications, certifications, or substantial experience in fields related to policing, law enforcement, security, or other areas of expertise that are pertinent to the position they are seeking.

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Professional Development: Even if a degree is not initially required, the AFP places a strong emphasis on ongoing professional development. Once hired, AFP officers often undergo comprehensive training programs to prepare them for their roles and responsibilities.

It’s important to note that recruitment criteria and requirements may change over time, so you can check on the official AFP website or contact the AFP Recruitment team for specific educational and eligibility requirements for the position you are interested in. Additionally, consider reaching out to current or former AFP officers for insights and advice on the application process.