What is the start up grant for infants in Singapore?

The Baby Bonus Scheme in Singapore includes a component known as the Infant Care and Child Care Startup Grant. This grant is specifically designed to assist parents in managing the initial costs associated with enrolling their infants or young children in infant care or child care programs.

The Infant Care and Child Care Startup Grant provides eligible parents with financial support to help cover some of the initial expenses when enrolling their child in an infant care or child care program. Here are some key points about this grant:

  1. Purpose: The grant aims to help defray the costs incurred by parents when starting their child in an infant care or child care arrangement.
  2. Eligibility: Parents who are eligible for the Baby Bonus Scheme and whose infants are enrolled in eligible infant care or child care centers are typically eligible for this grant.
  3. Grant Amount: The grant amount is S$600 per child. This amount is intended to assist with the initial costs associated with registration fees, administrative fees, and other related expenses when enrolling the child in an infant care or child care program.
  4. Application Process: Parents can apply for the Infant Care and Child Care Startup Grant through the Baby Bonus Online portal or by submitting a completed application form and required documents to the relevant authorities. The application process usually involves providing details about the child’s enrollment in an eligible infant care or child care program.
  5. Disbursement: Upon approval, the grant amount is disbursed directly to the bank account linked to the child’s Baby Bonus Scheme.
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It’s important to note that the information provided here is based on the situation as of my last update. Grant amounts, eligibility criteria, and application processes might change, so it’s advisable for parents to refer to the official website of the Baby Bonus Scheme or contact the relevant authorities for the most current and detailed information regarding the Infant Care and Child Care Startup Grant in Singapore.