Is there an Australian version of the FBI?

Yes, Australia has an agency with responsibilities similar to those of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The agency in Australia that serves a role akin to the FBI is the Australian Federal Police (AFP). The AFP is the national law enforcement agency of Australia and has a wide range of functions, including:

  1. National Policing: The AFP provides policing services at the federal level across Australia. It handles a variety of federal crimes, including terrorism, drug trafficking, cybercrime, organized crime, and immigration offenses.
  2. International Policing: The AFP has a significant international presence and works closely with law enforcement agencies worldwide. It plays a key role in international law enforcement cooperation, including counterterrorism efforts and transnational crime investigations.
  3. Protective Services: The AFP is responsible for the protection of Australian government officials, foreign dignitaries, and critical infrastructure, including airports.
  4. Community Policing: While the AFP primarily deals with federal law enforcement matters, it also has community policing responsibilities in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and the Jervis Bay Territory.
  5. Aviation and Border Security: The AFP has responsibilities related to aviation and border security, including providing law enforcement services at major airports and ports.
  6. Cybercrime: The AFP has a dedicated unit focused on combating cybercrime, including investigating cyberattacks, online fraud, and other digital threats.

The AFP operates under the framework of Australian law and works in close collaboration with state and territory police agencies. While state and territory police forces handle most day-to-day policing responsibilities within their jurisdictions, the AFP handles matters of national and international significance, particularly those related to federal offenses.

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In summary, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) serves as Australia’s federal law enforcement agency, responsible for a wide range of law enforcement and security functions, both nationally and internationally. It plays a central role in counterterrorism, organized crime, border security, and various other areas of law enforcement.