How far back does a police check go in Australia?

The scope and depth of a police check, also known as a criminal history check, can vary depending on the type of check being conducted and the purpose for which it is required. There are generally two main types of police checks in Australia:

Standard Police Check:
A standard police check typically goes back five years from the date of the check if you were under 18 years old at the time of sentencing. If you were 18 years or older when you were sentenced, it could go back ten years from the date of the check.

It includes information about an individual’s criminal history, such as spent convictions, charges, and pending court matters within that five-year period.

National Police Certificate (NPC):
The National Police Certificate is a more comprehensive check and may include information beyond the five-year period, particularly if such information is deemed relevant to the role or purpose for which the check is being conducted. The depth of the check depends on the policies of the police jurisdiction that issues the certificate. Some states and territories may include information about convictions, juvenile records, and other relevant details.

Sometimes a criminal record, including a spent conviction that is more than ten years old, may be released if:

  • the criminal record has an offence that resulted in a custodial sentence longer than 30 months
  • the criminal record includes a serious offence of violence or a sex offence and the criminal records check is for a job or voluntary work with children or vulnerable people
  • the criminal record includes serious offences where the result was not guilty because of insanity or mental impairment.
See also  What shows up on an Australian police check?

It’s important to note that certain roles or organizations may require more extensive background checks, such as working with vulnerable populations or in national security-related positions. These checks may go back further in an individual’s history and may involve additional scrutiny.

The specific requirements for police checks can vary between states and territories in Australia, so it’s essential to check with the relevant state or territory police force or a recognized provider of police checks for the most accurate and up-to-date information based on your circumstances. Additionally, legislation and regulations related to police checks can change over time.