Do all architects have to be registered?

In order to call oneself an architect, is registration required?

Yes. No person shall use verbally or otherwise the word “architect” or any of its derivatives in connection with any business designation that will lead to the belief that the person is an architect unless the person is registered with the Board of Architects in Singapore.

To register as an architect in Singapore, you will need to:

  • have an approved academic qualification in architecture;
  • have an appropriate practical experience in architectural work; and
  • pass the professional practice examination, oral or written examination prescribed and approved by the Board.

In addition, the Board must be satisfied that an applicant for registration is a fit and proper person.

Academic qualification in architecture

Applicants must possess the following academic qualification required under Section 15(1) of the Architects Act:

  • Degree of Bachelor of Architecture (before 2001) from the National University of Singapore or the Degree of Masters of Architecture from the National University of Singapore or the Singapore University of Technology and Design;
  • other degree, diploma or qualification which the Minister may, after consultation with the Board and by notification in the Gazette, approve for the purpose of entitling the holder thereof to be registered under this Act; or
  • other proper and recognised training in architecture that satisfies the Board and the passing of oral or written examinations prescribed by the Board.

Appropriate practical experience in architectural work

After obtaining the approved academic qualification, the applicant must also acquire the following practical experience in architectural work under Section 15(2):

  • At least two years of practical experience in architectural work, includig a continuous period of at least 12 months of architectural work in Singapore and to pass the professional practice examination prescribed or approved by the Board [under Section 15(2)(a)]; or
  • At least five years of practical experience in architectural work. This must include at least two years of prescribed practical experience in architectural work in Singapore, with a continuous period of at least 12 months gained within the five years immediately before the date of application for registration and to pass the oral or written examination prescribed by the Board [under Section 15(2)(b)].
See also  Board of Architects Renewal

Applicants who have acquired or done the following may also apply for registration under Section 15(2)(c):

  • Gained at least 10 years of practical experience in architectural work recognised by the Board;
  • Received commendation or award at any international architectural event or from any professional body whose architectural degree or qualification is recognised by the Board; and
  • Passed oral or written examination prescribed by the Board.