Are there any unemployment benefits in Singapore?

Yes, Singapore does have unemployment benefits in place to provide assistance to eligible individuals who are unemployed. The primary scheme is called the “Jobseeker’s Allowance” (JSA) or “Workfare Income Supplement” (WIS), depending on the specific circumstances.

  1. Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA): The JSA is designed to support Singapore citizens and permanent residents who are actively seeking employment. To be eligible, individuals must meet certain criteria, including being unemployed, actively looking for work, and undergoing training or attending job-related programs. The JSA provides financial assistance for a limited period while individuals search for suitable employment.
  2. Workfare Income Supplement (WIS): The WIS aims to supplement the income of low-wage workers in Singapore. It is a means-tested program that provides cash assistance and other work-related support. Eligible individuals must meet specific income and work criteria, and the amount of assistance varies based on factors such as income level, age, and family circumstances.

In addition to these schemes, the government of Singapore also provides various job placement services, skills training programs, and career support initiatives to help individuals find employment opportunities and enhance their employability.

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