Can divorcee buy HDB?

Housing Measures to Help Divorced and Widowed Parents in Transition

For single parents who face changes in housing arrangements following a divorce or the loss of their spouse, we help them in the following ways:

  • Policies for Smoother Housing Transition: Both parties in a divorce can apply to buy a subsidised flat, upon obtaining the Interim Judgement of divorce and resolving ancillary matters on their matrimonial property and custody of their children. Each party must meet the eligibility criteria, like all flat applicants. 
  • Priority Schemes: Under the Assistance Scheme for Second-Timers (ASSIST), a portion of 2- and 3-room Build-to-Order (BTO) flats is set aside in non-mature estates for divorced/ widowed parents with children aged 18 and below. 
  • Access to Housing Subsidies: Divorced and widowed persons buying a new flat from HDB with their children can qualify for housing subsidies, if they are first-timers. If they wish to buy a resale flat, they can also qualify for a Proximity Housing Grant (PHG) of up to $30,000, as long as they have not previously taken the PHG.
  • Accommodation in the Interim: If they need housing while waiting for their BTO flats to be completed, they can rent a flat temporarily under the Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme (PPHS).
  • Public Rental Housing: For needy low-income parents who have no other housing options and family support, HDB can assist them with public rental flats.

Supporting Housing Needs of Unmarried Parents 

Unmarried parents who require housing assistance can approach HDB, and we will assess each request holistically, based on their individual circumstances. Our key consideration is to ensure that their children have a stable home to grow up in and a good start in life. 

We will exercise flexibility in allowing unmarried parents aged 21 and above to buy up to a 3-room flat in a non-mature estate from HDB, or a resale flat. Those who cannot afford to buy a flat may be considered for public rental flats.

Beyond providing housing options, HDB also works with social service agencies to help unmarried parents who require further assistance such as employment support, financial assistance, and counselling.

 How We Help Single Parents

Case Example: Divorcee
Mdm Y, who divorced in 2011, has custody of her two children (aged 10 and 12). Following the divorce, she and her children lived with her parents, as she did not own any property. She successfully balloted for a 3-room Build-to-Order flat in 2015 on her first try under ASSIST, and has since moved into her new flat in 2018.
Case Example: Unmarried Parent
Miss J, who is below 35 years old and not married, is the mother of a young son. She sought HDB’s help to buy a flat, as she was unable to continue living with her parents in their flat due to the lack of space. HDB assessed that she could afford a 2-room Flexi flat in a non-mature estate,  and she went on to apply for one during a sales exercise. She successfully booked a unit, and moved into her new flat in 2019.