Can I choose doctor at polyclinic in Singapore

In Singapore’s polyclinics, you can usually choose the doctor you want to see, especially if you have a preferred doctor in mind or if you have seen a specific doctor before and would like to continue under their care.

Here’s how you can go about it:

  1. When Making an Appointment:
    • If you’re making an appointment online through platforms like HealthHub, there is often an option to select your preferred doctor from the list of available healthcare professionals.
    • If you’re making an appointment in person or over the phone, you can also request to see a specific doctor.
  2. Requesting a Specific Doctor:
    • When you make your appointment, you can let the staff know that you have a preference for a particular doctor.
  3. Availability:
    • Keep in mind that the availability of specific doctors may be subject to their schedules and availability on the day of your appointment.
  4. Consideration of Urgent Cases:
    • In urgent or emergency situations, you may be seen by the doctor available at that time. However, you can request to see your preferred doctor for follow-up visits.
  5. Specialist Clinics:
    • If you’re visiting a specialist clinic within the polyclinic, you may need a referral from a general practitioner. In such cases, you may not have a choice of specialists.

Remember that while efforts will be made to accommodate your preference, it’s not always possible to guarantee that you’ll be able to see your chosen doctor due to factors like availability and scheduling constraints.

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