Can I still drive with 12 demerit points Singapore?

You can still drive in Singapore if you have 12 demerit points. At 12 demerit points, you have not yet reached the threshold for a suspension of your driving license. However, it’s important to be cautious and practice safe driving to avoid accumulating additional demerit points.

Remember that accumulating more demerit points could lead to a suspension of your driving license if you reach the threshold of 24 or more within a 24-month period and for new or probationary drivers, their new driving license will be revoked when they accumulate 13 or more demerit points during their probation period (12 months). Therefore, it’s advisable to drive responsibly and adhere to traffic rules and regulations. Additionally, consider taking defensive driving courses or participating in safe driving programs to reduce your demerit points and improve your driving habits.

See also  How many points until you can't drive?