Can I withdraw money from PSEA?

In Singapore, direct withdrawals of cash from the Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) are generally not allowed. The PSEA is specifically designed to support post-secondary education expenses and is not meant to be withdrawn as cash for personal use.

Approved Uses for PSEA Funds:

  1. Educational Expenses: PSEA funds are allocated to cover approved educational expenses, including tuition fees, exam fees, and essential educational materials.
  2. Payments to Institutions: The funds are usually disbursed directly to the educational institution to cover eligible expenses on behalf of the student.

Limitations on Cash Withdrawal:

  • Non-Transferable: PSEA funds are not transferable as cash to the individual account holder. They are allocated and disbursed for educational purposes.
  • Educational Focus: The primary objective of the PSEA is to support a student’s educational journey rather than providing cash for non-educational uses.

Utilizing PSEA Funds:

To use your PSEA funds for approved educational expenses:

  1. Consult Educational Institution: Speak with the finance or administrative department of your educational institution to understand how to utilize your PSEA funds for eligible expenses.
  2. Payment Procedures: The institution often has procedures in place to facilitate the use of PSEA funds for tuition fees, exam payments, or other approved expenses.
  3. Verification and Approval: The institution verifies and approves the use of PSEA funds for eligible expenses according to the guidelines set by the Ministry of Education.


PSEA funds are dedicated to supporting education-related costs and are not intended for personal cash withdrawals. Utilizing these funds for approved educational expenses is facilitated through educational institutions following the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education in Singapore. If you have questions about the specific usage of your PSEA funds, it’s recommended to consult your educational institution for guidance and clarification.