Has Australia had a female attorney-general?

Australia has indeed had female attorneys-general at both the federal and state/territory levels. Here are a few notable female attorneys-general in Australia and some of their achievements: Sen. Michaelia Clare Cash: Sen. Michaelia Clare Cash served as the Attorney-General of Australia from 30 March 2021 to 23 May 2022. She has also been actively involved … Read more

What is the difference between the attorney-general and the solicitor general of Australia?

In Australia, the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General are two distinct legal officers who hold important roles within the legal and government systems. Here are the key differences between the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General of Australia: Attorney-General: Role: The Attorney-General is a senior government minister and a member of the Cabinet. This position is typically held … Read more

What does Attorney-General’s Department do?

The Attorney-General’s Department in Australia is a key government agency responsible for various legal, justice, and national security matters. Its functions and responsibilities encompass a wide range of areas, and it plays a crucial role in supporting the Australian government and its policies. Here are some of the primary functions and activities of the Attorney-General’s … Read more

How do I contact the NSW Attorney-General’s Department?

To contact the New South Wales (NSW) Attorney-General’s Department, you can use the following contact information: Website: The official website of the NSW Attorney-General’s Department is a valuable resource for information and contacts. You can visit their website to find specific contact details, forms, and relevant information about their services and responsibilities. www.ag.gov.au Mailing Address: … Read more

Who regulates lawyers in NSW?

Lawyers in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, are regulated by several organizations and entities, with the primary regulatory body being the Legal Profession Admission Board (LPAB) and the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner (OLSC). Here’s an overview of their roles: Legal Profession Admission Board (LPAB): LPAB is responsible for regulating the admission of lawyers … Read more

How do I make a complaint about a lawyer in Australia?

In Australia, you can make a complaint about a lawyer by following a specific process typically overseen by the Legal Services Commission or the Legal Services Board in your respective state or territory. The process may vary slightly depending on where you are located, but here are the general steps to make a complaint about … Read more

What is the most common complaint against lawyers?

The most common complaints against lawyers often revolve around issues related to professional conduct, communication, fees, and negligence. Some of the common complaints include: Communication Issues: Failure to communicate with clients effectively, including not responding to emails or phone calls in a timely manner, not keeping clients informed about the progress of their cases, or … Read more

Can you sue a lawyer in NSW?

Yes, you can sue a lawyer in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, if you believe they have provided you with negligent or substandard legal services. Legal malpractice claims against lawyers in NSW are typically based on the allegation that the lawyer did not provide the level of competence and professionalism expected in their representation. To … Read more