Is there shore leave in Singapore?

Yes, shore leave is allowed in Singapore for seafarers, subject to certain conditions and requirements set by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). To go on shore leave, seafarers must obtain a shore pass from the immigration authorities, which allows them to disembark from their vessel and enter Singapore for a limited period … Read more

How do I contact MPA Singapore?

You can contact the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) through the following channels: If you have specific queries regarding a particular aspect of MPA’s functions, you may also check the MPA website to see if there are any relevant contact details provided.

Is MPA and PSA same?

No, MPA and PSA are not the same. MPA stands for the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, which is a regulatory and development authority for the maritime industry in Singapore. It is responsible for the overall planning, coordination, and promotion of Singapore’s maritime industry, as well as the regulation of maritime activities within Singapore’s … Read more

What does MPA do in Singapore?

MPA stands for the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. It is a statutory body under the Ministry of Transport in Singapore and is responsible for regulating and developing Singapore’s maritime industry. Some of the key functions of MPA in Singapore include: Overall, MPA plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe, efficient, and sustainable … Read more