Do I need to bring Chas card to clinic?

It is advisable to bring your CHAS (Community Health Assist Scheme) card with you when you visit a CHAS clinic in Singapore. The CHAS card serves as proof of your eligibility for subsidized healthcare services under the CHAS program.

Here’s why it’s important to bring your CHAS card:

  1. Verification of Eligibility: The CHAS card is used to verify that you are eligible for CHAS benefits. The clinic staff will check your card to ensure that you qualify for the subsidies.
  2. Access to Subsidized Rates: With your CHAS card, you’ll be able to enjoy subsidized rates for certain medical and dental services at CHAS clinics. Without it, you may have to pay the full non-subsidized rates.
  3. Accurate Record Keeping: Having your CHAS card ensures that your visit and treatment are properly recorded under the CHAS program. This is important for both you and the clinic in terms of tracking your healthcare history and benefits utilization.

If you do not have your CHAS card with you, the clinic staff may need to verify your eligibility through other means, which could potentially cause delays in your appointment.

Additionally, it’s a good practice to bring along a form of identification (e.g., NRIC, MG, PG or passport) for further verification purposes.

See also  How do I replace my Chas card?