Does NTU send rejection letters?

Yes, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) typically sends rejection letters to applicants who have not been accepted into their programs. Rejection letters are a standard part of the admissions process for universities. If your application is not successful, NTU will notify you of the decision through an official communication, which could be an email or a message on the application portal.

While receiving a rejection letter can be disappointing, it’s important to remember that there are many factors that go into admission decisions, and being denied admission to one program doesn’t necessarily reflect on your abilities or potential. If you receive a rejection, you might consider looking into other options, including alternative programs, universities, or improving your qualifications for future applications.

If you’re unsure about the status of your application or if you haven’t received any communication from NTU, it’s a good idea to check your email regularly and log in to the application portal if one is provided. Additionally, you can reach out to NTU’s admissions office for any clarification or updates on your application status.

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