Govtech Career


We use technology to improve the lives of everyday Singaporeans – tackling real-world problems of transport, housing, security, healthcare, and the environment. We are working hard every day to design and build solutions that will make a difference to the citizens and businesses. It thrills us to know that our work can impact lives.

We need people who share the same excitement and passion – individuals who are excited about building the Government Tech Stack, and developing meaningful products, platforms, and solutions for the public good.

Agile. Bold. Collaborative. We are growing in ways we may never have predicted. We are challenging ourselves to innovate. We are seeking collaborators to co-create. Join us, and help build the next impactful solution for our citizens and businesses.

Hiring Right

Our recipe for success at GovTech is hiring RIGHT! We need people who share the same excitement and passion – individuals who are excited about building the Government Tech Stack, and developing meaningful products, platforms, and solutions for the public good.

We win by keeping our hiring bar high. By hiring the best people, we can scale up our Smart Nation initiatives and drive public sector digital transformation as fast as we can. We are seeking talented individuals to build our capabilities in application development, data science & artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, and sensors & IoT.

Because hiring well is important at GovTech, we want you to understand the nuts and bolts of our hiring process, so that you are prepared in your career journey. We don’t make the mistake of missing out hiring that great person.

See also  Government Technology Agency

Our Hiring Process


Paper applications are passé. Electronic applications save paper and reduce our carbon footprint at the same time.

If there’s an available role here that excites you, one that puts your skills to good use and lets you grow professionally, apply for it! (Electronically of course.)

Focus on your CV
a. Make it easy to read:
i. Select a clean format which is logical and easy to read
ii. Make good use of bold and italic typefaces to highlight accomplishments

b. Put across accomplishments, not job descriptions
i. Share what you did in your role, not what the role was about
ii. Quantify and qualify your accomplishments – List accomplishments unique to you, not a list of what someone else or your contribution to a team. Highlight the benefits incurred as a result of what you did
iii. Include all the relevant certifications in your CV


Phone Interview

Our recruitment team will conduct the first round of interviews by phone. The recruiter in- charge of the role will give you a call to discuss your relevant experience, skills, career aspirations, and share more information about the role.

This is also your perfect chance to learn more about GovTech and the role in question!

Face-to-face interview

If you’re shortlisted after the phone interview, we’ll reach out and arrange a face-to-face interview. During these interviews, you’ll get to meet our recruiters, hiring managers, and possibly your potential teammates. These interviews generally span 45 minutes to 1 hour. Depending on the role, you may be required to complete technical assessments or case studies and further rounds of interviews.

See also  What is GovTech?

What will be discussed during the interview?

1) Role-related questions
a. Technical questions related to the role will be asked for an assessment of your technical competencies b. Share with us your previous experiences that will directly contribute to your success in not just the role you’re interviewing for, but also in meeting GovTech’s wider goals

2) Thinking and analytical skills
a. We are not looking for model answers. We want to see how you break down challenges, and the thought process that led to your solution

3) Fit with GovTech’s A-B-C values
a. Share how you live out our values of being Agile, Bold, and Collaborative in your personal and professional life

4) Questions
a. Interviews are a 2-way process. We’ve put you in front of a panel of GovTechies for you to ask all the questions you need

How to prepare for the interview?

1) Do your homework. Knowledge about GovTech and understanding the job you are applying could give you the advantage
a. Anticipate questions and answer each of them with a story that will allow you to put your point across
b. Substantiate your answers with figures to give the panel a better understanding of your achievements
c. Showcase your critical thinking skills by suggesting ways in which you will revisit certain solutions and better them

2) Grab this opportunity to inquire deeper about the role or about us

3) Make a list of questions that you’d like us to answer. We might not have all the answers during the interview, but we’ll definitely look for the answers and get back to you

See also  Govtech Address


1) We will objectively review your application after all the interview rounds, before making our decision based on trusted frameworks and pre-determined criteria 2) If you’re selected for the position, we will contact you after the final interview with a verbal offer 3) Thereafter, you can expect to start your adventure as a GovTechie.

If you’re ready to start the process, click here. Good luck!