How do I contact Centrelink aged care?

If you’re looking to contact Centrelink regarding aged care matters, you can do so through Services Australia. Here’s how:

  1. Online: The easiest and most convenient way to contact Services Australia (Centrelink) is through their online portal. You can access their services, information, and even start applications online. Visit the Services Australia website and log in to your myGov account to access your Centrelink services.
  2. Phone: You can also reach out to Centrelink’s Aged Care line by phone. Keep in mind that phone numbers and contact details can change, so it’s best to verify the current contact information on the official Services Australia website. You can reach Centrelink’s Aged Care line at 1800 227 475/ 1300 135 500/ 132 300.
  3. In Person: Services Australia has service centers where you can get face-to-face assistance with your aged care inquiries. These centers are located across Australia. Visit the Services Australia website to find a service center near you and check their opening hours.
  4. Mail: If you prefer traditional mail, you can send letters or documents to Centrelink through the postal service. Postal addresses:
    • Reply Paid 7800
    • Canberra BC ACT 2610
    • Australia
  5. Interpreter Services: If English is not your primary language, you can request assistance from an interpreter when contacting Centrelink. This service is provided free of charge.

Remember that contacting Centrelink may involve wait times, especially during peak hours. It’s also a good idea to have your relevant information, customer reference number, and any necessary documentation on hand when you reach out for assistance.

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