How do I email ICA PR status?

To inquire about your Permanent Resident (PR) status with the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) of Singapore via email, follow these steps:

  1. Compose an Email:
    • Open your preferred email client or service.
    • Click on “Compose” or “New Email” to start a new message.
  2. Address the Email:
    • The email to contact ICA is –
  3. Subject Line:
    • In the subject line, be clear and specific about the purpose of your email. For example, you might write “Inquiry about PR Status.”
  4. Write Your Message:
    • In the body of the email, you’ll want to include the following information:
      • Your full name
      • Passport number
      • Contact information (email address and phone number)
      • Any relevant PR application reference numbers or details
      • Clear and concise explanation of your inquiry regarding your PR status
  5. Politeness and Clarity:
    • Be polite and clear in your language. Clearly state your inquiry and any specific questions you have about your PR status.
  6. Attachments (if applicable):
    • If there are any documents or information that support your inquiry, attach them to the email. Make sure they are in a format that can be easily opened and read.
  7. Check and Review:
    • Before sending, double-check that you’ve provided all the necessary information and that your email is clear and professional.
  8. Send the Email:
    • Click on the “Send” button to submit your email.

Remember, response times may vary depending on the volume of inquiries and the complexity of your request. If you don’t receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, you may consider following up or exploring other means of communication with the ICA. Additionally, always check the official ICA website for any specific instructions or guidelines regarding inquiries about PR status.