How do I get a referral letter from polyclinic to Nuh?

To obtain a referral letter from a polyclinic to the National University Hospital (NUH) in Singapore, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit a Polyclinic: Polyclinics are primary healthcare facilities in Singapore that provide general medical services. Locate a polyclinic near you and visit the clinic during their operating hours. You may need to make an appointment or walk in, depending on the specific polyclinic’s policies.
  2. Consult with a General Practitioner (GP): At the polyclinic, you will typically consult with a General Practitioner (GP). Explain your medical condition and the reason why you would like a referral to NUH. The GP will evaluate your situation and determine if a referral is necessary and appropriate.
  3. Discuss the Referral: If the GP agrees to provide a referral to NUH, they will discuss the details with you. This includes the specific specialist or department at NUH that you need to see. They will also explain the purpose of the referral and any relevant information that the specialist may need.
  4. Obtain the Referral Letter: The GP will prepare a referral letter addressed to the specialist at NUH. This letter outlines your medical condition, relevant medical history, and the reason for the referral. It is important to ask for a physical copy of the referral letter or inquire about the process for receiving an electronic copy if that is available.
  5. Contact NUH for an Appointment: With the referral letter in hand, you can contact NUH’s Appointment Hotline or use their online appointment booking system to schedule an appointment with the specialist indicated in the referral letter. Provide them with the necessary details and follow their instructions to secure an appointment.
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It’s important to note that the specific process may vary depending on the polyclinic and NUH’s requirements. It’s advisable to check with the polyclinic and NUH directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information on obtaining a referral letter and making an appointment.