How do I get my drivers license in Singapore?


Step 1: Enroll in a reliable driving school

When selecting a driving school, you should choose one that is accredited by the Traffic Police. This accreditation ensures that the school offers a reliable curriculum and training, and also adheres to the approved standards for road safety and traffic regulations.

Step 2: Attend theory lessons

Driving theory lessons play a crucial role in equipping you with knowledge and understanding of safe driving practices. By completing the required theory lessons and dedicating time to studying the Basic Theory Test (BTT) material, you should better be prepared to tackle the examination and demonstrate your knowledge of driving principles.

Step 3: Pass the Basic Theory Test (BTT)

After finishing the theory lessons, the next step is to put your knowledge to the test and demonstrate your understanding of traffic rules, regulations, and road safety. To do this, you must register for a suitable schedule and take the basic theory test at a designated test center.

Step 4: Learn practical driving lessons

Once you have successfully passed the BTT, the next step is to gain hands-on driving experience. This involves enrolling in practical driving lessons conducted by a qualified instructor. Through these lessons, you will have the opportunity to develop your driving skills, acquire the necessary expertise to navigate diverse traffic situations, and familiarize yourself with the specific driving rules and norms in your local area.

Step 5: Pass the Final Theory Test (FTT)

If you are applying for a Class 3 driving license, you will be required to pass the Final Theory Test (FTT). This particular test proves your proficiency in both advanced driving theory and practical knowledge, which affirms your comprehensive understanding and readiness to drive responsibly on the roads.

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Step 6: Pass the practical driving test

In order to obtain a driving license in Singapore, you will need to take a practical driving test administered by the Traffic Police. During this test, you will need to demonstrate your driving skills, your ability to follow traffic rules, and your capability to handle various road conditions.

Step 7: Submit an application for driving license

After passing the driving tests, you can apply for a Singapore driving license. To do so, you must complete the required application forms and submit supporting documents, including proof of identification and residency status, along with the applicable fees to the relevant authorities.

Step 8: Obtain your driving license

If your application is approved, you will need to apply for the Qualified Driving Licence (QDL) online so as to receive your Singapore driving license.

Once you receive your license, which usually takes around two weeks after submitting your application, you will enter a one-year probation period marked by a probation plate. During this probationary period, if you accumulate more than 12 demerit points, the Traffic Police may revoke your license.