How do I report something to the ACCC?

Reporting an issue or complaint to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) can be done through various methods, depending on the nature of the problem and the information you want to provide. The ACCC is responsible for enforcing competition and consumer protection laws in Australia, and they encourage consumers and businesses to report issues related to scams, unfair business practices, anti-competitive behavior, and more.

Here’s how you can report something to the ACCC:

  1. Online Reporting Form:
    • The easiest and most common way to report an issue to the ACCC is through their official online reporting form on their website. Visit the ACCC’s website ( and look for the “Report a problem” or “Make a complaint” link. Follow the instructions and complete the form with details about the issue.
  2. Scamwatch:
    • If your concern is related to scams or fraudulent activities, you can use the ACCC’s Scamwatch platform ( to report and gather information about scams. Scamwatch is dedicated to tracking and providing information about scams in Australia.
  3. Product Safety Issues:
    • To report a product safety issue, such as a dangerous or recalled product, you can use the ACCC’s Product Safety website ( and follow the instructions for reporting unsafe products.
  4. Consumer Complaints:
    • If your report involves a consumer complaint, such as issues with a refund, defective product, or misleading advertising, you can use the ACCC’s online reporting form or contact your state or territory’s consumer protection agency for assistance. They can help mediate and resolve consumer disputes.
  5. Competition Issues:
    • If you believe a business is engaging in anti-competitive behavior or practices that harm competition, you can report these issues to the ACCC through their online reporting form or by contacting their enforcement division.
  6. Online Marketplace Issues:
    • If you have concerns related to online marketplaces or e-commerce platforms, such as issues with a seller on a platform like eBay or Amazon, you can report these issues to the ACCC as well.
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When reporting an issue to the ACCC, it’s essential to provide as much detail as possible, including dates, names of individuals or businesses involved, relevant documents or evidence, and any correspondence related to the issue. This information will help the ACCC investigate and take appropriate action.

If your issue involves a specific industry or sector, such as telecommunications or energy, you may also want to check if there is a relevant ombudsman or regulatory authority that deals with complaints in that area.

Remember that the ACCC takes consumer and competition issues seriously, and reporting problems helps them protect the interests of consumers and maintain fair competition in the marketplace.