How do you check if I am eligible for HDB?


The eligibility conditions to buy a resale flat are detailed below. In general, there must be at least 1 Singapore Citizen or 2 Singapore Permanent Residents listed in the flat application.

To check your eligibility to buy a resale flat, register your Intent to Buy through the HDB Resale Portal. There is no fee for registering, and you will receive an instant assessment on your eligibility to buy an HDB resale flat, for CPF housing grants and HDB housing loan.

Eligibility Schemes

The eligibility conditions in the following table apply to all resale flat purchases. Please refer to the individual schemes for information on the following criteria:

Eligibility conditions that apply to all schemes

Income ceilingThere is no income ceiling for buying an HDB resale flat. However, you may wish to note that there are income ceilings for CPF Housing Grants and HDB housing loans.
Ownership/ interest in HDB flatsIf you or any persons listed in the application owns an HDB flat, you must dispose of the HDB flat within 6 months of the resale flat purchase.
Ownership/ interest in property in Singapore or overseas other than HDB flatsIf you or any person listed in your resale flat application owns a private property either locally or overseas, you must dispose of all private properties before or within 6 months of the resale flat purchase.Note: If you own a private property, you are not eligible for a CPF Housing Grant or an HDB housing loan.