How do you cite the Australian Curriculum in APA 7?

To cite the Australian Curriculum in APA 7th edition style, you should follow the general format for citing a web page or online document, as the Australian Curriculum is often available online.

Here is the basic format:

Author(s). (Year). Title of the document (Version or edition number). Website Name. URL

In the case of the Australian Curriculum, there may not be a specific individual author, so you can start with the title of the document. Here’s how you can format the citation:

Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Authority. (Year). Australian Curriculum: [Subject Name] (Version or edition number). ACARA. URL

Replace “[Subject Name]” with the specific subject area you are citing from the Australian Curriculum, and include the year, version, or edition number, and the URL where the curriculum document can be found online.

Here’s an example for citing the Australian Curriculum for Mathematics:

Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Authority. (2015). Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (Version 8.3). ACARA.

Make sure to italicize the title of the document and use proper capitalization. Additionally, ensure that the URL is accurate and accessible.

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