How is Family Tax benefits Calculated

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) in Australia is calculated using an income test and various factors such as the number and age of dependent children. Here is a general overview of how FTB is calculated:

  1. Income Test: The income test considers your family’s adjusted taxable income (ATI) to determine your eligibility and the payment amount. The ATI includes various sources of income, such as wages, salary, self-employment income, investment income, and certain government benefits.

For FTB Part A, as your family’s income increases, the payment amount gradually reduces. There is an income threshold, and the rate at which the payment reduces depends on the number of children in the family.

For FTB Part B, there is also an income threshold, and the payment amount gradually reduces as your family’s income increases. The income threshold varies depending on the number of children and whether you have a child under five years old or a child aged five to 18 years old.

  1. Number and Age of Dependent Children: The payment rates for FTB may differ depending on the number of dependent children in your family and their ages. There are different rates for children under 13 years old, children aged 13 to 15 years old, and children aged 16 to 19 years old (if they meet study requirements).
  2. Other Factors: There may be additional factors that can affect your FTB entitlement, such as shared care arrangements, child support arrangements, and the income of both parents.

It’s important to note that the specific calculation of FTB can be complex, and there may be additional supplements, allowances, or adjustments depending on individual circumstances. The rates and thresholds for FTB may also change over time.

To receive the most accurate and up-to-date information about how FTB is calculated and to determine your specific entitlements, it is recommended to visit the official Services Australia website ( or contact Centrelink directly. They can provide personalized advice based on your individual circumstances and provide you with the current calculation methods and rates.