How long does it take to get AFP police check?

The processing time for an Australian Federal Police (AFP) police check can vary depending on several factors, including the method of application and the volume of requests at any given time.

Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Online Application:
    • Applying for an AFP police check online is typically the fastest method. In many cases, you can expect to receive the results within 1 to 15 business days, with the majority of checks being processed within this timeframe.
  2. Paper Application:
    • If you submit a paper application for an AFP police check, the processing time may be longer. It can take several weeks to receive the results, depending on the postal service and processing backlog.
  3. International Checks:
    • If you are applying for an AFP police check for immigration or visa purposes, or if you have lived overseas, the processing time may vary significantly. It can take several weeks to several months to complete an international police check due to the need to coordinate with foreign law enforcement agencies.
  4. Complex Cases:
    • Some cases may be more complex, requiring additional time for verification and investigation. This can include cases with a history of criminal activity or issues that require further examination.
  5. Priority Service:
    • The AFP offers a priority processing service for urgent requests. This service typically comes at an additional cost and may expedite the processing time.
  6. Public Holidays and Peak Seasons:
    • Processing times can be affected by public holidays and peak application seasons. During holidays and busy periods, there may be delays in processing.

You can check the AFP’s official website or contact the AFP National Police Checks team for processing time estimates, especially if you have specific timing requirements for your police check.