How long is a part-time degree in Singapore?

The duration of a part-time degree in Singapore can vary based on several factors, including the type of degree, the specific program, and the university offering it. Generally, a part-time degree in Singapore might take longer to complete compared to a full-time degree due to the reduced course load per semester.

Part-time degree programs are designed to accommodate working professionals or individuals with other commitments, allowing them to pursue higher education while still meeting their other responsibilities. The duration of such programs can range from 2 to 4 years, depending on factors like the number of modules taken per semester, the complexity of the subject matter, and the flexibility of the program structure. Full time degrees are often 2-3 years, or up to 4 if you’re taking an honours degree. Part time students take a lot less time though, since the courses are mostly for working adults. They usually can be finished in about 2 years, sometimes slightly longer depending on the school and course.

See also  Is part-time degree Recognised in Singapore?