How long will the Twitter rate limit last?

The duration of a Twitter rate limit can vary depending on the specific API endpoint and the nature of the rate limit violation. Twitter imposes both temporary and permanent rate limits.

Temporary Rate Limits: When you exceed the rate limit for a specific API endpoint, Twitter will typically impose a temporary rate limit on your account. This means you will be temporarily restricted from making further requests to that endpoint. The duration of the temporary rate limit varies depending on the endpoint and the severity of the violation. In most cases, the rate limit is lifted automatically after a specific time period, allowing you to resume making requests. Usually, the temporary rate limit last for 24 hours.

Permanent Rate Limits: In some cases, if your account engages in abusive or malicious behavior that violates Twitter’s policies or terms of service, Twitter may impose permanent rate limits or even suspend your account. Permanent rate limits are not lifted automatically, and you will need to resolve the underlying issue and seek assistance from Twitter support to have the limits removed.

It’s important to note that the exact duration of a temporary rate limit is not publicly disclosed by Twitter, and it can vary based on factors such as the severity and frequency of the violation. If you encounter a rate limit, it is best to wait for a reasonable amount of time before attempting further requests. Trying to bypass or circumvent the rate limit can result in additional penalties or the suspension of your account.

See also  What does it mean on Twitter rate limit exceeded?