How many architects are there in Singapore?

As at 31 Dec 2019, there were a total of 2148 architects on the register of architects and a total of 1727 architects on the annual register of practitioners

To practise architecture in Singapore, is registration required by law for indigenous and foreign persons?

Yes, statutory legislation under the Architects Act requires registration by both indigenous and foreign persons.

In order to call oneself an architect, is registration required?

Yes. No person shall use verbally or otherwise the word “architect” or any of its derivatives in connection with any business designation that will lead to the belief that the person is an architect unless the person is registered with the Board of Architects in Singapore.

What agency in Singapore is responsible for registration of architects?

The Board of Architects is the statutory authority established in Singapore to administer the Architects Act which sets out the general qualifications and requirements for registration. The Board is responsible for evaluation of applications for admission to the Register of Architects.

What is the educational qualification legally required for the initial registration of indigenous and foreign architects?

Please refer to the list of recognised degrees on our website.

What are the examination requirements required for the registration of indigenous and foreign architects?

(1) Professional Practice Examination under 15(2)(a)
Please refer to the General Requirements and Information for PPE Candidates available on our website.

(2) Professional Interview under 15(2)(b)
Please refer to the General Requirements and Information for PPE Candidates and Additional information to be supplied by person applying for registration under Section 15(2)(b) available on our website.

See also  Do architects have to be registered?

(3) Professional Interview under 15(2)(c)
Please refer to the Guidelines for applicants applying for registration under section 15(2)(c) on our website.

How do I apply?

If you satisfy the Board the registration requirements as set out above, you may obtain the necessary forms for the examination here. It is important that you complete the forms accurately and return it the Board’s office together with all the required supporting documents and application fee.

Please note that original degree, diploma and transcripts must be produced for verification by the Board’s staff when you submit your application as required by the Board.

Does the Act prohibit architectural practice without registration. If so, at what point in the process of designing a project does your law deem the architect to be engaged in the practice of architecture and therefore, require registration?

Yes, the Act prohibits the supply of architectural services without registration and the holding of a valid practising certificate. Under the Act, no person shall draw or prepare any architectural plan, drawing, tracing, design, specification or other document intended to govern the construction, enlargement or alteration of any building or part thereof in Singapore unless at the time of doing the person is a registered architects who has in force a practising certificate or is under the direction or supervision of a registered architect who has in force a practising certificate.

What is the professional architectural organisation within Singapore?

Singapore Institute of Architects.