How many service providers are there in NDIS?

The number of service providers registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia has been steadily growing. About 19,124 providers have supported participants since the start of the scheme. Approximately 8,659 providers were active this quarter and also in previous quarters. 311 providers were active for the first time this quarter.

The NDIS is a large-scale scheme that aims to provide disability support to a wide range of individuals across the country. It encompasses various types of services and supports, including:

  • accommodation and housing
  • daily living assistance
  • employment support
  • therapy services, and more.

To deliver these services, a diverse range of organizations and providers are registered with the NDIS.

If you’re interested in obtaining the most up-to-date information about the number of service providers registered with the NDIS, you can visit the official NDIS website or contact the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), which oversees the scheme. They can provide you with the latest statistics and information on the registered providers and the services they offer.