How much do Airservices Australia firefighters make?

The salary for firefighters employed by Airservices Australia can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and the specific role or rank within the organization. Airservices Australia, being a government-owned corporation, typically offers competitive salaries and benefits to its employees, including firefighters.

Firefighter salaries at Airservices Australia can range from $75,000 – $100,000 per year. However, it’s important to note that salary figures may change over time due to collective bargaining agreements, inflation adjustments, and other factors.

Here’s a general overview of the salary range for firefighters at Airservices Australia:

  1. Trainee Firefighter: Trainee firefighters typically receive an entry-level salary during their training period. The salary for trainees may vary, but it is usually competitive with other entry-level positions in the aviation industry.
  2. Experienced Firefighter: As firefighters gain experience and complete their training, their salary can increase. Experienced firefighters often receive higher pay than trainees, and their salaries may be further adjusted based on their years of service.
  3. Senior Positions: In addition to entry-level and experienced firefighter roles, Airservices Australia may have senior firefighter positions or supervisory roles. These positions often come with higher salaries and increased responsibilities.
  4. Location: The location where a firefighter is stationed can impact their salary. Salaries in major cities with higher living costs may be higher than those in regional areas.
  5. Benefits: Firefighters at Airservices Australia typically receive benefits such as superannuation (pension contributions), allowances for shift work and overtime, and access to employee assistance programs.
  6. Union Agreements: Salary and employment conditions for firefighters at Airservices Australia are often negotiated through collective agreements with employee unions. These agreements can influence salary levels and other benefits.
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To obtain the most information regarding firefighter salaries at Airservices Australia, including any recent changes or adjustments, I recommend visiting the official Airservices Australia website or contacting their HR department directly. Additionally, you may want to consult relevant union agreements or reach out to employee unions for specific details on firefighter compensation.