How much does it cost to register a trademark in Singapore

The cost of registering a trademark in Singapore depends on various factors, such as the number of classes of goods or services for which the trademark will be registered, whether you use an agent or apply yourself, and whether there are any objections or requirements for amendment during the examination process. Here are some general estimates of the costs involved:

  1. Official fees: The official fees for filing a trademark application in Singapore start at SGD 240 (approximately USD 175) for a single class of goods or services, with additional fees for each additional class. The official fees also include fees for examination and publication of the trademark.
  2. Professional fees: If you choose to engage a professional trademark agent to assist with the trademark registration process, you will need to pay their professional fees, which can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars depending on the complexity of the application.
  3. Other fees: There may be other fees involved, such as fees for conducting a trademark search, fees for responding to objections or requirements for amendment, and fees for renewing the trademark registration every 10 years.

Overall, the cost of registering a trademark in Singapore can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars depending on the factors mentioned above. It’s important to budget for these costs and work with a reputable trademark agent or attorney to ensure that your trademark application is properly prepared and filed.

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