How much is traffic department license?

The cost of a traffic department license in South Africa can vary depending on the type of license and the province or region where you are applying. Here are the current (as of my knowledge cutoff of September 2021) license fees for some common types of licenses in South Africa:

  1. Learner’s license: The fee for a learner’s license is usually around R108 to R240, depending on the province or region.
  2. Driver’s license: The fee for a driver’s license varies depending on the type of vehicle and the province or region. As an example, in Gauteng province, the fee for a light motor vehicle (Code B) driver’s license is R228, while the fee for a heavy-duty vehicle (Code EC) driver’s license is R342.
  3. Professional driver’s permit (PrDP): The fee for a PrDP is around R250 to R350, depending on the province or region.
  4. Vehicle license renewal: The fee for renewing a vehicle license varies depending on the vehicle’s weight and the province or region. As an example, in Gauteng province, the fee for renewing a light motor vehicle license is R228, while the fee for renewing a heavy-duty vehicle license is R1,920.

It’s important to note that the fees for traffic department licenses and services are subject to change, so it’s always a good idea to check with your local licensing department or the South African eNatis website for the most up-to-date information on license fees and other related costs.