How to apply student care subsidy?

In Singapore, supporting a child’s education and care expenses can be financially demanding for families. Thankfully, the government provides various subsidies and schemes to assist parents in managing these costs. One such subsidy is the Student Care Subsidy, specifically aimed at helping families afford student care services for their children outside school hours. This comprehensive guide outlines the steps to apply for this subsidy, eligibility criteria, and essential considerations for parents in Singapore.

Understanding Student Care Subsidy

The Student Care Subsidy is offered by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) in Singapore. It aims to reduce the financial burden on families by providing financial aid for student care services, which offer a safe and conducive environment for children after school hours.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Student Care Subsidy, families must meet certain criteria:

  1. Child’s Age: The child should be aged between 7 and 14 years old, attending primary school or a Special Education (SPED) school.
  2. Parent’s Employment Status: At least one parent should be working a minimum of 56 hours per month or self-employed, or in training or education approved by MSF.
  3. Gross Household Income: The gross monthly household income should not exceed a certain threshold, which varies based on the number of family members.

Steps to Apply for Student Care Subsidy

Step 1: Gather Necessary Documents

Before applying for the subsidy, gather the required documents:

  • Identification Documents: NRICs of the child and parents/guardians.
  • Proof of Employment: Employment letters or payslips for working parents.
  • Proof of Income: CPF statements, income tax assessments, or any other relevant documents.
  • Other Supporting Documents: Such as birth certificates or relevant certifications.
See also  How much is student care subsidy?

Step 2: Fill Out the Application Form

The application form for the Student Care Subsidy can be obtained from the respective student care centers or downloaded from the MSF website. Fill out the form accurately, providing all necessary details and attaching the required documents.

Step 3: Submit the Application

Submit the completed application form along with the supporting documents to the respective student care center. Ensure that all details provided are accurate and up-to-date.

Step 4: Await Approval and Notification

Upon submission, the MSF will review the application. Successful applicants will receive a notification regarding the approval of the subsidy.

Additional Considerations

  • Submission Deadlines: Be mindful of submission deadlines to avoid missing out on the subsidy for the intended period.
  • Renewal: Subsidy approval may require periodic renewal, so keep track of renewal dates to ensure continuous support.
  • Changes in Circumstances: Inform the relevant authorities promptly of any changes in income, employment status, or personal details that may affect subsidy eligibility.


The Student Care Subsidy in Singapore serves as a vital support system for families, enabling children to access quality care and supervision after school hours. By understanding the eligibility criteria and following the application process diligently, parents can alleviate the financial strain associated with student care services and ensure their child’s holistic development.

Always stay updated with the latest guidelines and information provided by the MSF to make the most of available subsidies and support for your child’s education and well-being.