Is aged care free in Australia?

The cost of aged care services is not entirely free, but it is heavily subsidized by the government. The Australian government provides financial support to help cover the costs of aged care services for eligible individuals. There are several types of aged care services available, including:

  1. Home Care Packages: These packages provide assistance for seniors who wish to remain in their homes. The government subsidizes a portion of the cost of services such as personal care, domestic assistance, nursing, and more.
  2. Residential Aged Care: This includes nursing homes and other residential facilities for seniors who require a higher level of care. While individuals are required to contribute to the cost of their care, the government provides subsidies to help offset the expenses.
  3. Commonwealth Home Support Programme: This program offers entry-level support services for older Australians who need assistance to live independently at home. The cost is generally lower compared to Home Care Packages.
  4. Short-Term Restorative Care: This program provides support for a short period to help older individuals regain their independence after an illness or injury.
  5. Respite Care: Respite care provides temporary relief to caregivers by offering care services for the person they are caring for, either at home or in a residential facility.

The amount that individuals are required to pay for aged care services depends on various factors, including their financial situation, the level of care required, and the type of services received.

The government conducts means-testing to determine the level of financial assistance an individual is eligible for. This means that individuals with higher incomes and assets may be required to contribute more towards the cost of their care, while those with lower incomes and fewer assets may receive more substantial subsidies.