Is crew change allowed in Singapore?

Yes, crew change is allowed in Singapore, subject to certain conditions and requirements set by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the MPA has implemented various measures to facilitate safe crew change for seafarers. These measures include:

  1. All crew change activities must be carried out in accordance with the MPA’s Crew Change Requirements and Procedures, which outline the necessary steps and documentation required for crew change.
  2. Crew change can only take place at designated crew change ports or anchorages, and the crew must remain within the designated areas throughout the crew change process.
  3. All crew members must undergo a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test before disembarking or embarking the vessel, and must obtain a negative test result before being allowed to do so.
  4. Crew members must also comply with other health and safety protocols, such as wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and practicing social distancing.
  5. For crew members arriving from higher-risk countries, additional quarantine or testing requirements may apply.

It is important to note that the regulations and requirements for crew change in Singapore may change depending on the prevailing COVID-19 situation and government policies. Therefore, it is advisable to check with the MPA or your shipping agent for the latest information and requirements before making any crew change arrangements in Singapore.

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