Is it hard to get into NUS?

National University of Singapore is a sought-after university with high-standards. It is considered as one of the best universities in Asia. Student acceptance rates are low. Each year, the university receives thousands of applications. But because of limited number of spots, acceptance rates are somewhere between 5-7%. For a chance to get into NUS, you have to stand out among thousands of students.

Getting into the National University of Singapore (NUS) is competitive, especially for certain popular and highly sought-after courses and programs. The university has a rigorous admission process, and the difficulty of admission can vary depending on various factors, including the program applied for, the applicant’s academic qualifications, and the number of available slots for each intake.

NUS considers several factors when evaluating applicants for admission, such as academic performance, standardized test scores (e.g., SAT, ACT, or other required tests), letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, and sometimes interviews or personal statements.

It’s essential for prospective students to have a strong academic record and showcase their passion and achievements in other areas to increase their chances of admission. Additionally, meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee admission due to the competitive nature of the university.

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