Is Nuh part of SingHealth?

No, NUH is not part of singhealth.

The public healthcare system has been regrouped into three clusters from the existing six regional health systems, to improve and future-proof the delivery of Singapore’s healthcare services.

This comes as Singapore’s healthcare needs are projected to grow in volume and complexity, and as the population ages rapidly and the burden of managing chronic d

The three new integrated clusters are:

  • Central region: National Healthcare Group (NHG) and the Alexandra Health System;
  • Eastern region: (SingHealth) and the Eastern Health Alliance (EHA);
  • Western region: National University Health System (NUHS) and Jurong Health Services (JurongHealth).

These three clusters will retain the names of NHG, SingHealth and NUHS respectively. Philip Choo will be the chief executive of the NHG; Ivy Ng will remain at the helm of the SingHealth cluster, and John Wong Eu Li will head NUHS.

Each cluster will have the full suite of healthcare services, from primary care to general hospitals and community hospitals; each will also have a medical school.

The network of polyclinics will also be reorganised into three groups, up from two before.

The polyclinics under NUHS, the National University Polyclinics, will be headed by new chief executive Lew Yii Jen, who is now senior director of clinical services of NHG Polyclinics. Five existing polyclinics now under NHG and SingHealth will be moved to this new group.

National specialty centres such as National Skin Centre and National Cancer Centre Singapore will stay within their existing clusters, that is, NHG and SingHealth respectively.

Among the specialised hospitals, the Institute of Mental Health will stay under NHG, and KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital will remain with SingHealth.

See also  What is the difference between NHG and SingHealth?

MOH said the transition, when complete, will give the public healthcare institutions a fuller range of capabilities, services and networks across dierent care settings, be this primary care, acute hospital or community hospital care. The transition is expected to be completed in about a year.