Is PSA under MPA?

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) is responsible for the overall development and growth of the port of Singapore, which includes terminal operators, such as PSA Corporation and Jurong Port Pte Ltd


The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) was established on 2 February 1996 by the MPA Act of 1996 through the merger of the Marine Department (which was under the then Ministry of Communications), National Maritime Board and the Regulatory departments of the former Port of Singapore Authority (PSA). PSA was subsequently corporatised on 1 October 1997 and became known as PSA Corporation. In 2004, to further streamline all maritime-related functions, the industry promotion function for shipping was transferred from IE Singapore to MPA.


As Port Authority, MPA regulates and manages port and marine services, facilities and activities within the Singapore waters. This includes vessel traffic and navigational safety and security, through regulation on operational efficiency and on the environment.

As Developer and Promoter, MPA works with other government agencies and maritime industry partners to make Singapore a leading global hub port and a top international maritime centre. Its aims include attracting a core group of shipowners and operators to set up operations in Singapore, broadening the breadth and depth of maritime ancillary services offered here, and improving on the business environment for the maritime industry.

As the National Sea Transport Representative, the MPA safeguards Singapore’s maritime/port interests in the international arena. This extends to being the Government’s Advisor on matters relating to sea transport, and maritime/port services and facilities.