Is there a back pay for family tax benefit?

Yes, it is possible to receive back pay for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) in certain circumstances. The back payment is referred to as FTB arrears or backdating.

If you are eligible for FTB and have submitted your application, but there was a delay in processing or if you applied after the start of your entitlement, you may be eligible for back payment for the period you were eligible but not receiving FTB.

The backdating of FTB payments generally depends on when you lodged your application and the specific circumstances of your case. In some cases, Centrelink may backdate the payment to the date you became eligible for FTB, even if it’s before the date of your application.

It’s important to note that there are time limits for claiming backdated payments, and the rules and requirements can vary. It’s recommended to contact Centrelink or visit the official Services Australia website ( to get accurate and up-to-date information on FTB arrears and to discuss your specific situation.

They can provide guidance on whether you may be eligible for back payment and assist you with the process.