Is there shore leave in Singapore?

Yes, shore leave is allowed in Singapore for seafarers, subject to certain conditions and requirements set by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).

To go on shore leave, seafarers must obtain a shore pass from the immigration authorities, which allows them to disembark from their vessel and enter Singapore for a limited period of time. Seafarers can apply for a shore pass through their shipping agent, who will assist them in submitting the necessary documents and obtaining clearance from the relevant authorities.

However, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the MPA has implemented additional measures to ensure the safety of seafarers and the wider community. These measures may include mandatory health screenings, quarantine requirements, and compliance with health and safety protocols such as wearing masks and practicing social distancing.

Seafarers are advised to check with their shipping agent or the MPA for the latest information and requirements regarding shore leave in Singapore.

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