Is VAT same as GST?

This guide provides an overview of the key concepts of Singapore’s Goods & Services Tax (GST) system as it relates to Singapore companies – definition of GST, registration requirements, advantages and disadvantages of GST registration, filing GST returns, and schemes to aid businesses.The Goods and Services Tax (GST) was implemented on 1st April 1994 in Singapore. The GST Act is modelled off the UK VAT legislation and New Zealand GST legislation. The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) acts as the agent of the Singapore government and administers, assesses, collects and enforces payment of GST. Introduction of GST is seen as a means to lower personal and corporate income tax rates while maintaining a steady revenue base for the government. GST is an indirect tax as it taxes expenditure. The current rate of GST is 7%.

What is GST?

Also known as Value Added Tax (VAT) in many other countries, Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a consumption tax that is levied on the supply of goods and services in Singapore and the import of goods into Singapore. GST is an indirect tax, expressed as a percentage (currently 7%) applied to the selling price of goods and services provided by GST registered business entities in Singapore.

GST tax is charged to the end consumer therefore GST normally does not become a cost to the company. Businesses merely act as collecting agents on behalf of Singapore tax department.

What does GST mean for a Singapore company?

If you are a GST registered company, you are required to collect GST from your customers for the goods and services rendered by you and then pay the tax collected to tax authorities. For example, if you charged S$100 for your services to a customer in Singapore, you must invoice your customer S$107 (S$100 for your service plus 7% GST). This invoiced GST amount collected on behalf of the tax authorities from the customer must subsequently be paid to the Singapore tax department on a quarterly basis via GST tax filing. Companies incorporated in Singapore are not automatically registered to charge GST. Companies which have met certain conditions have to apply to IRAS to become a GST registered company before the it is allowed to charge and collect GST.