Local Enterprise and Association Development (LEAD) Programme


a. About

Trade associations and chambers (TACs) are key enablers in enterprise upgrading and industry development. You can play a more proactive role in helping companies enhance their competitiveness and capture new growth opportunities.

TACs keen to drive capability development and internationalisation projects can tap on the Local Enterprise and Association Development (LEAD) Programme by Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and Singapore Tourism Board (STB).

LEAD will also support TAC-led Build Improvement District (BID) projects under the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) covering place management activities such as physical improvements to precincts, public space management, transportation access, and cleaning and maintenance.

LEAD support is applicable for development projects in areas such as:

  • Technology & Infrastructure: Improve enterprise capabilities and productivity by using technology to innovate and automate. It includes the adoption of technology, development of technical standards and establishment of industry-wide infrastructure.
  • Industry Expertise: Develop overall industry expertise through training, learning circles and industry-wide certification
  • Business Collaboration: Encourage associations and businesses to forge alliances and leverage mutual strengths through joint procurement, shared services and internationalisation opportunities
  • Intelligence & Research: Offer a deeper understanding of industry trends and requirements, so as to develop industry-specific solutions through comprehensive research based on sound market intelligence.
  • Internal Competencies: Strengthen internal capabilities to be effective change agents and industry multipliers

LEAD supports up to 70% of eligible costs for qualifying projects. This includes:

  • Manpower-related costs: project members’ salaries and economy airfare
  • Equipment and materials: industrial equipment, materials and consumables, hardware and technical software required for the project
  • Professional services: consultancy and sub-contracting
  • Business development costs: participation or organisation of industry conferences
  • Intellectual property costs: licensing, royalties and technology acquisition costs

High-impact, multi-TAC Projects

High-impact projects done in collaboration among TACs can receive support of up to 90%. Models of multi-TAC partnerships include collaborations within and across industries, or consortiums where larger TACs step up to take the initiative to engage and support smaller TACs to work towards common outcomes.

Funding will be extended to projects that:

  • Exhibit outcomes such as significant productivity improvements to small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
  • Have benefits to a sizeable number of SMEs
  • Are innovative and able to transform sectors under the TACs

Here’s a quick checklist you may refer to in preparation for your upcoming virtual trade fairs.

b. Eligibility

LEAD is only applicable to trade associations and chambers (TACs) which include Singapore-registered societies, professional bodies, unions of employers, overseas business chambers and companies limited by guarantee. TACs must also meet the following criteria:

  • Represent a key industry (i.e. an industry that contributes significantly to the economy, has good export potential and strong employment size)
  • Have a sizeable membership representing the industry
  • Have a strong track record in helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
  • The project(s) to be undertaken must not have started at the time of the application

From 1 January 2017, TACs seeking LEAD support for consultancy-related costs under their industry development projects will have to engage management consultants who possess Enterprise Singapore-recognised certification.

Click here for more information on Enterprise Singapore-recognised certification for consultants.

c. Apply

A LEAD proposal should:

  • Exhibit a well-conceived industry roadmap and translation of this roadmap into projects for implementation
  • Detail the project’s contribution to the sector, such as potential revenue creation (local or overseas), value-add contribution to industry, job creation or the number of SMEs that will benefit
  • Highlight opportunities for development and creation of markets and business opportunities
  • Comprise initiatives to develop industry competence
  • Benefit sizeable pool of enterprises

Please reach out to us at go.gov.sg/helloesg for more information on application requirements.