MAS Exchange Rate

(1) These rates are the average of buying and selling interbank rates quoted around midday in Singapore. All rates are obtained, with permission, from Refinitiv and disseminated to the public for information and could differ from those quoted by foreign exchange dealers. The rates are not attributable to MAS and MAS does not warrant and hereby disclaims any warranty as to the accuracy, correctness, reliability, currentness, timeliness or fitness for any particular purpose of the rates.


(2) This website contains a link to the IMF exchange rate website with related information and services which are not maintained by MAS. The link to the IMF exchange rate website is provided as a convenience to the user of this website. MAS shall not be responsible for the contents of the IMF exchange rate website and is not in a position to verify the information or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information or contents contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from such website. MAS shall also not be responsible for any damages, including direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages or loss of any kind whatsoever arising from access to that website. Use of the link to the IMF exchange rate website and access to such linked website is entirely at your own risk.

Note: Average rates for the week and average rates for the month are released on the last business day of the calendar week and calendar month, respectively.

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