Muis Prayer Booking

PET Requirements (for Friday / Hari Raya Haji Prayers only)

If you are booking slots at Masjid Al Istighfar, Masjid Mujahidin, Masjid Ar-Raudhah, Masjid Assyafaah, Masjid Darul Ghufran, Masjid Al-Muttaqin, Masjid Yusof Ishak, Masjid Al-Islah, Masjid Al-Iman, Masjid Al-Khair, Masjid Al-Ansar, Masjid Kassim, Masjid An-Nur, Masjid Darul Makmur, Masjid Abdul Gafoor, Masjid Al-Amin, Masjid Sultan, Masjid Assyakirin or Masjid Maarof:

You can book if:

  • You have successfully completed vaccination (14 days after the second dose) – this will be indicated in your Trace Together App and Token or
  • Have a valid PET exemption notice after recovery from previous COVID-19 infection or
  • Have a valid negative COVID-19 test result after undergoing PET

After successfully booking a slot, you acknowledge that you will only be admitted to the mosque if you have met the PET requirements, i.e.

  • COVID-19 Test Result Notice (ART): Negative ART result displayed via SMS, or PRPP ART Result Slip: issued by a MOH-Approved clinics; or
  • COVID-19 Test Result Notice (PCR): Negative PCR result displayed on a Notice issued by a MOH-Approved clinics; or
  • Have a valid negative COVID-19 test result (24 hours before the end of the prayer session) after undergoing PET.
  • Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) is acceptable for PET provided the negative results are still within the 24-hour validity period.
  • Please ensure you TT app is updated.
  • Only vaccines administered under the national vaccination programme are accepted for PET.
  • PET Exemption Notice: issued by any clinics offering ART or PCR testing services; or
  • Check in Successful or Entry Restricted banner: displayed on the SafeEntry (Business) application upon scanning with TT App/Token.

For more details on PET, please visit here

The list of clinics can be found via here

See also  Muis Friday Bookings

All bookings must be made using a valid email address, mobile number and Name (as per NRIC or FIN, where applicable).

Only one booking can be made per transaction.

If you have booked for a prayer session but are not able to go to the mosque for health or other reasons, please cancel your booking at least 1 hour before the start of the prayer session.

Bookings made are non-transferrable.

Booking information for each prayer are as follows:

Daily Jemaah Prayers

  • Daily prayer booking windows will be available from 9pm daily.
  • A person can register for the Daily Jemaah prayer sessions for current and following day.
  • Muslimah prayer space will be in a separate area in Zone 1.

Hari Raya Haji Prayers

  • Registration for Hari Raya Haji prayers commences 9am in 2 stages.
    • 9 AM for Safer Mosques with PET requirements
    • 11 AM for Mosques without PET requirements
  • There will be 3 Prayer Session timings:
    • Session 1 – 7.30 AM to 8.10 AM (Entry into mosques at 7.20 AM)
    • Session 2 – 8.40 AM to 9.20 AM (Entry into mosques at 8.30 AM)
    • Session 3 – 9.50 AM to 10.30 AM (Entry into mosques at 9.40 AM)
  • More details can be found at