NEA Dengue

Dengue Cases

It is important to note that the day-to-day numbers fluctuate, as they depend on the number of cases notified each day. Therefore, weekly numbers are a better reflection of actual trends.

Number of Reported Cases

02-Oct03-Oct04-Oct05-Oct06-Oct07-Oct08-Oct at 3pm

Number of Reported Cases by E-week (from Sun 0000hrs to Sat 2359hrs)

E-week 34
E-week 35
E-week 36
E-week 37
E-week 38
E-week 39
E-week 40
(03-08Oct21 at 3pm)
Cumulative No. of cases for 2021 (First 39 E-weeks): 4383

Compiled by Communicable Diseases Division, Ministry of Health

E-week161116212631364146519166317921051600200400600800100012001400160018002000Number of casesDengue Cases20172018201920202021

105 dengue cases were reported in the week ending 2 October 2021, 5 cases fewer than the number reported in the previous week. As of 4 October 2021, there are 11 active dengue clusters, with a large cluster located at Florence Road / Hougang Avenue 2, where intensive vector control operations are ongoing.

NEA urges everyone to remain vigilant in suppressing the Aedes mosquito population to keep dengue in check. NEA’s Gravitrap surveillance system continues to detect areas with high Aedes aegypti mosquito (the primary dengue vector) population. If left unchecked, the high Aedes aegypti mosquito population can lead to a surge in dengue cases.

Many people are continuing to work from home during this period, which means more blood meals for the day-biting Aedes aegypti mosquito. NEA urges all stakeholders, particularly those working from home, to prevent mosquito breeding, by practising the following Mozzie Wipeout steps at least once a week, to remove stagnant water.

Mozzie Wipeout ‘B-L-O-C-K’
Break up hardened soil
Lift and empty flowerpot plate
Overturn pails and wipe their rims
Change water in vases
Keep roof gutters clear and place BTI insecticide

Premises owners should ensure that adequate vector control measures are undertaken at all premises under their responsibility, and that periodic maintenance is carried out for the proper upkeep of these premises. Amidst measures for COVID-19, NEA dengue operations on the ground, including home inspections, will continue, to ensure sustained vector control efforts to break dengue transmission.

See also  What is the fine for Mosquito breeding in Singapore?

Residents, especially those residing in dengue cluster areas, are encouraged to carry out the three protective actions against dengue: ‘Spray, Apply, Wear’ or ‘SAW’ in short:

  1. Spray insecticide in dark corners around the house
  2. Apply insect repellent regularly
  3. Wear long-sleeve tops and long pants

NEA advises members of the public to use mosquito repellent regularly to protect themselves from getting mosquito bites, especially if they are living in dengue cluster areas. Repellents containing DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide), picaridin or IR3535 as the active ingredient are the most effective in repelling mosquitoes.

Two educational videos have also been published to guide residents on the spraying of aerosol insecticide at home, and advise on what to do if one lives in a dengue cluster area or sees adult mosquitoes at home.

·         What to do if you see mosquitoes or if you‘re in a dengue cluster area

·         Spraying of insecticide at home

Those showing symptoms suggestive of dengue should see a medical practitioner early, to be diagnosed and managed accordingly. Early diagnosis can facilitate better case management, and persons with dengue can also help prevent further transmission by applying repellent regularly, so that mosquitoes do not bite them and pick up the virus from them. The symptoms suggestive of dengue include:

·       Sudden onset of fever for two to seven days;

·       Severe headache with retro-orbital (behind the eye) pain;

·       Joint and muscle pain;

·       Skin rashes;

·       Nausea and vomiting;

·       Bleeding from the nose or gums;

·       Easy bruising of the skin.

See also  NEA Hawker Centre

The latest updates can also be found on the NEA website, Stop Dengue Now Facebook page, and myENV app.