N(T)-Level Syllabuses

N(T)-Level Syllabuses Examined in 2022

Here are the 2022 GCE N(T)-Level examination syllabuses that are offered to school candidates.

For syllabuses that have been revised, the specimen papers are available on the website for three years, including the year
of posting. We seek your understanding that some items / images / resources may not be available in these online specimen papers,
due to copyright restrictions. In such cases, a description of the item / image / resource, and/or a web-link may be provided.
The full specimen paper, in printed format, may be purchased from SEAB.

Cambridge Subjects

Subject TitleLanguage MediumSubject CodeSpecimen Papers for
Revised Syllabus
[Year of Posting]
English Language Syllabus T #English1195
Mathematics Syllabus TEnglish4046
Science Syllabus T ##English5148
Food Studies #English6079
Computer Applications (Revised)English7018Paper 1
Paper 2
Paper 3
Design and Technology Syllabus TEnglish7062
Elements of Business SkillsEnglish7066Paper 1
Paper 2
# Last year of exam in 2022## Last year of exam in 2023N(T) candidates can offer up to three subjects at the GCE N(A)-Level examinations if NTIL is included. The list of NTILs can be found under the 2022 GCE N(A)-Level syllabuses for school candidates.

MOE-ITE Applied Subjects

Subject TitleLanguage MediumSubject Code
Mobile RoboticsEnglishA101
Smart Electrical TechnologyEnglishA201
Retail OperationsEnglishA301
Please note that the MOE-ITE Applied Subjects listed above are only applicable to candidates from schools that are approved to offer the subjects.

Local Subjects

Subject TitleLanguage MediumSubject Code
Basic ChineseChinese1202
Basic MalayMalay1203
Basic TamilTamil1204
Music Syllabus TEnglish6129