General Studies Modules

To provide an all-rounded educational experience, the polytechnic offers General Studies Modules (GSMs). This means that besides taking diploma modules related to your chosen area of discipline, you will have the opportunity to be exposed to areas beyond your field of study. Through a combination of prescribed and elective GSMs, you will gain interesting, practical knowledge that can be beneficial to you as you prepare for the world of work and life after graduation.

All students in Year 1 will take a number of prescribed General Studies Modules that are key to building up an all-rounded education in NYP.
Personal Career Strategy 1 (Prescribed 15-hour module)
Here, you will discover the various career options related to your field of study and pick up skills that will help you succeed in work and life. Gain life skills that will help you clarify your career goals, engage early in career planning, and recognise what resilience means. Learn to appreciate values, skills and attitudes in different settings. More importantly, learn how to identify opportunities and set personal goals for career success.
Understanding Singapore (Prescribed 15-hour module)
Engage in meaningful discussions on national policies and issues relating to Singapore’s security, economy, and society. Explore the unique advantages and constraints that shape Singapore’s policies and development, and discuss different perspectives on contemporary issues. There are activities that will engage you to make sense, reflect on and respond to current challenges in the Singaporean context.
Fitness for Life (Prescribed 30-hour module)
The Fitness for Life module gives you the opportunity to select one sports/wellness activity from a wide range – from aerobics to yoga, frisbee to basketball. You can try out a new sport and keep fit and healthy at the same time! This module enables you to participate in a sport of your choice and you will be able to enjoy learning it together with your peers.Note: For AY2021S1, Fitness for Life will be replaced by the module Exploring Sport & Wellness.Please read through the guidelines carefully:
In Year 2, you will have a wide range of Elective GSMs to choose from. You will have an opportunity to select modules beyond your field of study, for an all-rounded education. All Year 2 GSM lessons will begin in Week 2.NoteSHSS Nursing students will begin their GSM lessons in Week 1/2.
Personal Career Strategy 2 (Prescribed 15-hour module)
Take ownership of your career through conscious effort to plan, prepare and commit to your education and career goals. Start developing your career portfolio and networking with industry mentors. Recognise the importance of lifelong learning and skills mastery in developing career resilience in an unpredictable and uncertain work environment. Activities during class will also encourage you to make considered consumer choices and understand the long-term financial impact on the decisions made.
Elective GSMs (15-hour module each)
You will have the opportunity to select three Elective GSMs during Year 2 from a pool of interesting modules offered by other Schools in NYP. These modules have been designed for you to discover your interest in subject matters beyond your field of study. Click here for the full list of elective GSMs.Check out the guidelines on selecting Year 2 Elective GSMs below.
In year 3, there are more opportunities for you to broaden your knowledge beyond your field of study from the range of engaging modules offered by other Schools within NYP. All Year 3 GSM lessons will begin in Week 2 for AY2021S1.
Elective GSMs (15-hour module each)
You will have the opportunity to select up to 2 Elective GSMs during Year 3 from a pool of interesting modules offered to your school. These modules have been designed for you to discover your interest in subject matters beyond your field of study. Click here for the full list of elective GSMs.
See also  NYP Portal