PACT Programme Grant



The PACT programme encourages mutually beneficial collaborations between companies. The nature of collaboration should go beyond regular business activities.

One enterprise should undertake the role of a leader (known as a “Lead Enterprise”) in driving projects to benefit the group of companies.

Project Scope

Projects may be related to capability development or joint business development. Below are some project examples:

Capability Development

  1. Supplier/Partner Development: A Lead Enterprise helps existing/new suppliers upgrade their technology capabilities so as to improve the quality of the supply chain.
  2. Co-innovation: A Lead Enterprise helps to co-develop and test-bed an innovative product from its smaller supplier.
  3. Knowledge Transfer: A Lead Enterprise develops a coaching programme to help its smaller distributors improve their cashflow management skills.

Business Development

  1. Alliances or Consortiums: A Lead Enterprise forms an alliance with smaller firms so as to jointly pursue new international projects. The smaller firms in the alliance benefit through having new customers/contracts.
  2. Shared Resources: A Lead Enterprise pools common resources with smaller firms to achieve economies of scale and/or engage in shared marketing efforts.

Level of Support

Support for SMEs will be capped at 70% and non-SMEs at 50% of the qualifying costs.


PACT projects should be driven by a Lead Enterprise, which is a Singapore registered company. It can be an MNC or a Singapore company.

The following areas will also be considered:

  • The Lead Enterprise should have clear capabilities above those of the other participating companies in the project. It takes responsibility for the implementation and successful delivery of the project.
  • The Lead Enterprise should help the participating companies in a manner that is beyond its normal commercial interests. For example, the Lead Enterprise should not be selling its product or service to the smaller firms through the project.
  • The project should include a majority of Singapore enterprises, even though foreign companies can be involved in the collaboration.