What has replaced the AAT?

On 16 December 2022, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus announced the federal government’s plan to abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and replace it with a new administrative review body. The reasons for the proposed abolition were that the AAT had become too politicized through politically motivated appointments of AAT members, which rendered the tribunal dysfunctional. This … Read more

What are the chances of winning AAT?

The chances of winning a case at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) in Australia can vary widely depending on several factors. Each case is unique, and the outcome depends on the specific circumstances, the strength of the evidence and arguments presented, and the relevant laws and regulations involved. Here are some key factors that can … Read more

How successful are AAT appeals?

The success rate of appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) in Australia, as well as in other countries with similar administrative review bodies, can vary widely depending on several factors, including the nature of the case, the quality of the evidence presented, and the legal arguments made. It’s essential to understand that each case … Read more

Is the AAT being abolished?

Yes, the Australian Government is undertaking a significant reform of its administrative review system, with the primary goal of improving its user-friendliness, efficiency, accessibility, independence, and fairness. The key aspects of this reform include: Abolishing the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT): The AAT will be disbanded and replaced with a new federal administrative review body. Transparent … Read more

How do I access documents in AAT?

Accessing documents in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) can vary depending on the specific case and the tribunal’s procedures. However, here are some general steps to help you access documents related to your AAT case: Contact the AAT Registry: Start by reaching out to the AAT Registry handling your case. You can find the contact … Read more

What are the most common cases heard at the AAT?

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is an independent body in Australia, that reviews decisions made by government departments and agencies. The AAT hears a wide range of cases across various areas of administrative decision-making. The most common types of cases heard at the AAT include: child support farm household support Commonwealth workers’ compensation family assistance, … Read more